<aside> 💡 Where are my session data stored?


Your data are stored locally and will be synced automatically in iCloud.

<aside> 💡 Why Safari says Tab Space can read sensitive information from webpages, including password etc. ?


In short, all the extensions with injected scripts will be labeled with the privacy warnings. But Tab Space only uses the injected scripts to provide shortcuts and display your sessions. There is a single script imported by Tab Space and you can verify this using Safari’s developer tools : ) It could be proved that Tab Space does not touch your privacy. For details please refer to this discussion.

<aside> 💡 If I switch Macs, will Tab Space import its data back to Safari once I enable iCloud?


Yes it will if you use at least macOS 10.15 on your Macs. And according to our personal experience, a new Mac usually takes half an hour or more time to download the iCloud files. Please don't be surprised if the data do not show up immediately.